Lomo Saltado Recipe(Potato& Beff Stir Fry)

Lomo Saltado Recipe

Lomo Saltado Recipe

Lomo Saltado Recipe this is.Learn how to make the traditional Lomo Saltado, a delectable stir-fry with rice that combines tender beef, crispy fries, and fresh vegetables. Easy, quick, and flavorful!


  • 500g of striptie-cut beef
  • Two tablespoons of soy sauce
  • White vinegar, 1 tablespoon
  • One teaspoon of optional ginger paste
  • Two tablespoons of oil
  • One big onion, chopped into cubes
  • One big tomato, chopped into cubes
  • One medium bell pepper (slicing it)
  • One teaspoon of garlic paste
  • To taste, add salt and black pepper.
  • Two medium potatoes
  • sliced into fries For garnish, use fresh cilantro.
  • White rice that has been cooked (to serve)


1. Get the fries ready: The potato strips should be fried in hot oil until they get golden brown. Take out and put aside.

2. Prepare the beef: In a big pan or wok, heat 1 tablespoon of oil over high heat. Stir-fry till browned after adding the meat strips and seasoning with salt and black pepper. Add vinegar, ginger paste (if using), and soy sauce. Cook, stirring, for two to three minutes. After taking the steak out of the pan, set it aside.

3. Prepare the veggies: Add another tablespoon of oil to the same pan. Add bell pepper, tomatoes, onions, and garlic. Stir-fry until crisp but slightly soft, about 2 minutes.

4. Put everything together: Put the steak back in the pan and stir thoroughly. After adding the fried potatoes, gently toss to mix everything together.

5. Offer: Add some fresh cilantro as a garnish. Serve heated over white rice.

Savor this mouthwatering Peruvian Lomo Saltado!

  • It’s Health Benefits:

A tasty Peruvian dish called lomo saltado blends carbohydrates, vegetables, and protein. Some of its health advantages are as follows:

1. Superior Protein: Essential amino acids found in beef promote muscle growth, repair, and general bodily functions.

2. Packed with Minerals and Vitamins: Vitamin C, antioxidants, and fiber found in onions, tomatoes, and bell peppers improve digestion and immunity. Iron, zinc, and B vitamins found in beef help the brain and energy production.

3. Macronutrient Balance: combines carbohydrates (rice and potatoes), healthy fats (oil), and protein (beef) to provide long-lasting energy.

4. Health of the Heart (If Changed): It can be heart-friendly by using lean meat and little oil. The amount of fiber and nutrients is increased when brown rice or quinoa are substituted for white rice.

5. Beneficial to Digestion: Vegetable fiber supports intestinal health and facilitates digestion.

Use lean meat, bake or air-fry the potatoes, and serve with nutritious grains rather than white rice to make Lomo Saltado healthier.

  • Its Disadvantage For Health:

Although lomo saltado is a tasty and nourishing food, there are some possible drawbacks, particularly if it is not made in a balanced manner.

1. Rich in fat and calories: Fried potatoes and oil are used in traditional Lomo Saltado, which can contribute too many calories and bad fats and cause weight gain if eaten in excess.

2. Elevated Sodium Level: A lot of sodium is added by soy sauce and vinegar, which, if consumed regularly, can lead to high blood pressure and othercardiovas cular problems.

3. Carbohydrate Refinement: Fried potatoes and white rice are less suitable for diabetics since they include fast-digesting carbohydrates that might cause blood sugar rises.

4. Issues with Red Meat: If red meat consumption is not balanced with vegetables and fiber, it may be associated with higher risks of heart disease, high cholesterol, and several types of cancer.

5. Problems with Digestion: The combination of vinegar, soy sauce, and red meat may cause bloating or acidity in many persons, particularly those with sensitive stomachs.