Honey Lemon Pepper Wings
Try this delectable recipe for Honey Lemon Pepper Wings! Perfect for any event, these crispy fried chicken wings have a sweet, acidic, and spicy coating. Easy, quick, and flavorful!
- 500g of chicken wings
- Two tablespoons of honey
- One tablespoon of lemon juice
- One teaspoon of lemon zest
- One teaspoon of crushed or powdered black pepper
- One teaspoon of garlic powder
- Add salt to taste.
- Two tablespoons of cornflour
- All-purpose flour,two tablespoons
- One egg
- Oil for cooking
1. Marination: Clean the chicken wings and pat them dry. Combine the wings, egg, cornflour, garlic powder, black pepper, and salt in a bowl. Give it 15 to 20 minutes to marinate.
2. Frying: In a pan over medium heat, heat the oil. Fry the wings until they are crispy and golden brown. To drain extra oil, remove and lay on a paper towel.
3. Making the Sauce: Put the honey, lemon juice, and lemon zest in a another pan and cook them over low heat. Until the sauce thickens a little, stir thoroughly.
4. Coating: Toss the cooked wings thoroughly in the sauce until they are coated all over.
5. Serving: Garnish with black pepper and serve hot, with extra lemon wedges. Savor the mouthwatering Honey Lemon Pepper Wings!
- It’s health benefits:
Honey Lemon Pepper Wings’ Health Benefits.
1. High in Protein: A good supply of high-quality protein, which is necessary for muscle building and repair, is found in chicken wings.
2. Strengthens Immunity: Honey’s antioxidant and antibacterial qualities support a stronger immune system.
3. Aids Digestion: By boosting liver function, lemon juice can aid in digestion and aid in the body’s detoxification.
4. Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Piperine, an ingredient in black pepper, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
5. Promotes Skin Health: By supplying hydration and vital vitamins, the honey and lemon combination promotes skin health.
6. Beneficial for Metabolism: Black pepper’s hot sting can increase metabolism and enhance the absorption of nutrients.
Tip: To cut down on excessive oil use and make it healthier, try baking or air-frying rather than deep-frying!
- It’s disadvantage for health:
Honey Lemon Pepper Wings’ drawbacks:
1. High in Calories: If eaten in excess, deep-fried chicken wings can be high in calories and cause weight gain.
2. High in Fat: If fried in used oil, the fat level rises, particularly harmful trans fats.
3. Sugar Content: Although honey is natural, it still includes sugar, which, if ingested in excess, can affect blood sugar levels.
4. Sodium Overload: Excessive seasoning or salt can raise blood pressure and cause heart problems.
5. Acidity Problems: People with sensitive stomachs may get heartburn or acid reflux after consuming lemon juice.
6. Risk of Overeating: A balanced diet may be upset if people overindulge due to the pleasant taste.
Tip: To enjoy this recipe in a healthier way, use less salt, bake or air fry instead of deep-fried, and watch portion sizes!