Easy Homemade Honey Lemon Pepper Wings

Honey Lemon Pepper Wings

Honey Lemon Pepper Wings

Try this delectable recipe for Honey Lemon Pepper Wings! Perfect for any event, these crispy fried chicken wings have a sweet, acidic, and spicy coating. Easy, quick, and flavorful!


  • 500g of chicken wings
  • Two tablespoons of honey
  • One tablespoon of lemon juice
  • One teaspoon of lemon zest
  • One teaspoon of crushed or powdered black pepper
  • One teaspoon of garlic powder
  • Two tablespoons of cornflour
  • All-purpose flour,two tablespoons
  • One egg
  • Oil for cooking


1. Marination: Clean the chicken wings and pat them dry. Combine the wings, egg, cornflour, garlic powder, black pepper, and salt in a bowl. Give it 15 to 20 minutes to marinate.

2. Frying: In a pan over medium heat, heat the oil. Fry the wings until they are crispy and golden brown. To drain extra oil, remove and lay on a paper towel.

3. Making the Sauce: Put the honey, lemon juice, and lemon zest in a another pan and cook them over low heat. Until the sauce thickens a little, stir thoroughly.

4. Coating: Toss the cooked wings thoroughly in the sauce until they are coated all over.

5. Serving: Garnish with black pepper and serve hot, with extra lemon wedges. Savor the mouthwatering Honey Lemon Pepper Wings!

  • It’s health benefits:

Honey Lemon Pepper Wings’ Health Benefits.

1. High in Protein: A good supply of high-quality protein, which is necessary for muscle building and repair, is found in chicken wings.

2. Strengthens Immunity: Honey’s antioxidant and antibacterial qualities support a stronger immune system.

3. Aids Digestion: By boosting liver function, lemon juice can aid in digestion and aid in the body’s detoxification.

4. Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Piperine, an ingredient in black pepper, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

5. Promotes Skin Health: By supplying hydration and vital vitamins, the honey and lemon combination promotes skin health.

6. Beneficial for Metabolism: Black pepper’s hot sting can increase metabolism and enhance the absorption of nutrients.

Tip: To cut down on excessive oil use and make it healthier, try baking or air-frying rather than deep-frying!

  • It’s disadvantage for health:

Honey Lemon Pepper Wings’ drawbacks:

1. High in Calories: If eaten in excess, deep-fried chicken wings can be high in calories and cause weight gain.

2. High in Fat: If fried in used oil, the fat level rises, particularly harmful trans fats.

3. Sugar Content: Although honey is natural, it still includes sugar, which, if ingested in excess, can affect blood sugar levels.

4. Sodium Overload: Excessive seasoning or salt can raise blood pressure and cause heart problems.

5. Acidity Problems: People with sensitive stomachs may get heartburn or acid reflux after consuming lemon juice.

6. Risk of Overeating: A balanced diet may be upset if people overindulge due to the pleasant taste.

Tip: To enjoy this recipe in a healthier way, use less salt, bake or air fry instead of deep-fried, and watch portion sizes!