Spicy Sweet Chili Pineapple Sauce Recipe

Spicy Sweet Chili Pineapple Sauce Recipe

Sweet Chili Pineapple Sauce

Sweet Chili Pineapple Sauce this is. This spicy and sweet sauce works well as a marinade, glaze, or dip for grilled veggies, shrimp, or chicken.


  • One cup of canned or fresh pineapple pieces
  • Half a cup of sugary chili sauce
  • One tablespoon of soy sauce
  • One tablespoon of white vinegar or rice vinegar
  • One teaspoon of minced garlic
  • ½ teaspoon grated ginger
  • One teaspoon of optional red pepper flakes for added spiciness
  • Two tablespoons water and
  • one tablespoon cornstarch (for thickening)


1. Blend the Base: Put the pineapple chunks, vinegar, ginger, sweet chili sauce, soy sauce, and garlic in a blender. Blend until it’s smooth.

2. Cook the Sauce: Transfer the contents to a saucepan and place it over medium heat. Bring to a simmer.

3. Thicken: Cook the sauce for two to three minutes after adding the cornstarch slurry.

4. Modify Seasoning: If necessary, taste and adjust the sweetness or spice.

5. Cool & Store: Before putting the sauce in a jar, allow it to cool. For up to a week, keep in the refrigerator.

Serving Suggestions: Serve as a dipping sauce for nuggets or spring rolls. Pour over salmon, shrimp, or grilled chicken. provide to stir-fries to provide a dash of sweetness and spice. Tell me if you require any changes!

  • Its Health Benefits:

Sweet chili pineapple sauce’s wholesome components provide a number of health advantages:

1. High in Vitamin C : Vitamin C, which is abundant in pineapple, supports wound healing, strengthens immunity, and enhances skin health.

2. Facilitates Digestion: Bromelain, an enzyme found in pineapple, facilitates digestion by breaking down proteins. Ginger and garlic also lessen bloating and promote digestive health.

3. Properties That Reduce Inflammation: The natural anti-inflammatory properties of garlic and ginger may help lessen joint discomfort and enhance general health.

4. Encourages the Metabolism: If added, red pepper flakes can speed your metabolism and help control weight. with addition to aiding with digestion, vinegar may assist control blood sugar levels.

5. Offers Antioxidants: Antioxidants found in pineapple, ginger, and garlic help combat free radicals and lower the chance of developing chronic illnesses.

6. Natural Energy Enhancer: Without the use of processed additives, honey or brown sugar offer a rapid energy boost.

Although: this sauce has health advantages, it contains sodium and sugar from the soy sauce and sweet chili sauce. For a healthy diet, moderation is essential. Do you prefer a healthy or sugar-free version of this recipe?

  • It’s Disadvantage For Health:

Despite the health advantages of this sauce, there are a few disadvantages to take into account:

1. Sugar-filled The high: sugar content of sweet chili sauce, honey, and pineapple can cause blood sugar increases and weight gain if ingested in excess. Not recommended for diabetics unless a sugar-free substitute is used.

2. Excessive Sodium: If ingested in excess, soy sauce’s salt content can lead to water retention and elevated blood pressure. Lowering this risk can be achieved by using low-sodium soy sauce.

3. The possibility of acid reflux: Because vinegar and pineapple are acidic, they may upset those who have sensitive stomachs or acid reflux.

4. Unsuitable for Certain Diets: Because pineapple and honey include natural sugars, this sauce might not be the best choice for someone on a low-carb or ketogenic diet. can be changed by adding monk fruit or stevia as a sugar substitute.

5. Store-bought sweet chili sauce contains preservatives: A lot of commercial sweet chili sauces have unhealthy ingredients like high-fructose corn syrup, artificial flavors, and preservatives. It is preferable to make a handmade version using fresh ingredients. Would you prefer this sauce in a healthy form.